So after 11 years of managing to stay away from LA I finally took the step, spent the 50 bucks, and flew down there from SF. I guess I didn't go all the way cause I didn't rent a car, god forbid I ever have to drive... I begged for rides and bussed around during the day. Really, it's not so bad. The busses actually come.
So Tuesday I went for a hike at Runyon Canyon Park. It was a really nice, clear day out so the views were great. The hike was short but pretty. At the top we could see acros the way to a guy standing on the ridge in the distance.

Later on in the day I made my way to LACMA. It was a bit of a dissappointment as they were showing the Richard Sera exhibition that was at the MOMA two years ago...the one show that I had happened to see 5 times. I have to say it was much cooler outside in the garden at MOMA.

There was, however, a wooden vag with a window and a door on either end. very odd.

I failed and got dinner with a bunch of friends but ofcourse didn't take any pictures. It's funny cause I came home and saw a picture on my dresser of the girl I went to dinner with and it's so old yet we look basically the same. Should've taken a new one to put next to it. O well, maybe next time.
Friday I went to the MOCA but ofcourse I neglected to check their exhibition, walked there, and realized it was closed til November 15th. Instead, I bought a drink and spent an hour in their gift shop and wandered aimlessly about. Other than Gehry's monstrosity there was little to see.

Saturday Olivia and I decided to take an Art Deco walking tour of LA. The tours are done through the LA conservancy and last a couple hours. It was pretty interesting and I honestly should've taken some photos but was too distracted by my stupid brain that I forgot.
However, later on at the Getty (really pretty) I did manage to get a couple photos in. The sunset from up there was gorgeous.


All and all I liked LA. I would've chosen a different experience in some cases but my aversion to it is not as strong as before. Probably would've been more enjoyable had I not gotten sick...along with everyone else in the world this week.
Well, I'm back to rainy NYC.