Summer has started officially because everywhere you go there are street fairs.
I must commend myself because this weekend has actually been quite eventful. No photos to document yesterday's excursion other than a picture of some fruit tarts. But I did manage to get out of the house at 10am and travel so deep into the Bronx that I could've flown to Georgia in the time it took to take 3 subways there.
This morning, or should I say afternoon, I went for a bike ride to Caroll Gardens. This new brunch place opened up called
Clover Club. I really wanted this punch on the menu but alas, it served 4-6 and was impossible to make for 2. ...lieeessss

It's pretty nice inside, isn't it? The food was very good. I should've taken a picture of the menu cause apparently the online one isn't the same.
Anyway, we listened to this band (below) play for the duration of our brunch. You see that ultra tall man. He's on stilts. He liked this band so much he stood around for at least 33 min watching and listening.

After this I put the phone away and enjoyed the rest of the day. Continued on to the Brooklyn Promenade. Enjoyed a slightly mushy Choco Taco and then biked to Dumbo to check out some furniture. In particular I wanted to see this store that I had passed by on several occasions but had been closed previously:
Wonk NYC
All their furniture comes in a variety of colors and woods.
Pretty fun. I'm thinking about getting some more bamboo furniture as it seems to be the only 'wood' hard enough to resist the schomping powers of a rabbit.